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Ordering on YOOX

To make purchases on YOOX you do not need to register; however, we suggest you create an account to access exclusive areas and services dedicated to our customers.

Item search

Discover new trends and the most interesting designers directly from our Home Page selections, by choosing a designer or category from the navigation menu, or by using the website's internal search.

Product information

On each product page, you will find all available sizes and colors, a description and the composition of the item, and when applicable, whether availability is limited or if it is the last one available in the warehouse. Click on the product image to zoom in and see all of the details. You will also see if the item is sold by YOOX or one of our partners.

How to order

  1. From the item page, select the desired color and size of the product
  2. Add the product to your Shopping Bag
  3. Once you have finished shopping, click the "Proceed to Checkout" button in your Shopping Bag
  4. Register, log in or continue as a guest
  5. Enter your email and your shipping address
  6. Select a and a
  7. Check that the information you entered is correct and click "Purchase Now"
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